Sunday, May 18, 2008

A great night it was

So some of our friends through a couples shower for us on Saturday night. We had a great time with this group and we appreciate all of you making your way over for the party.
We can't begin to thank Katy for all that she did to pull together this night. Joe, Andrew, J, and Colleen all spoiled us with all that they did for us, so thanks all of you.

We look forward to all of you meeting our little guy once he comes in 7 weeks or so.

Here are a few pic's from the night:

Katie & Andrew dressed to the 9's

J and Colleen enjoying the evening.




The LaBonty's and Motichko's, of which all 3 ladies are expecting within a few months of each other


Good news to all (Especially the grandparents), we now actually have a place where our baby can sleep. How sweet is this, we wonder if it comes in a king bed size also for us?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Florida trip (Tara would call it our "Babymoon")

Had a relaxing time as we spent a few nights in Miami and then drove down the keys and stayed in Key West for a few more nights. Here is a picture of us at sunset on our balcony near Mallorey Square.

Miami was great, we were able to stay in South Beach right on Ocean Drive to take in all that South Beach had to offer. Our good friend Doug lives out there (Pictured with Tara on the left) and was able to hook us up while we were in South Beach/Miami a few days. We had a great time seeing Doug and reminiscing about old times.

Then the drive down through the keys was so beautiful, and the water was amazingly clear and warm. Here is a picture of us at the Southernmost point in the US with Cuba being 60 miles closer to us than Miami.

Here are a few pictures from our dive and snorkeling trip, unfortunately the picture didn't turn out well with the spotted sea ray we swam upon. If you click on them you will be able to see the pictures better:

2 expert snorklers





2 Nurse Sharks around 4 feet long_

We saw 4 or so Barracuda




School of fish by the rocks

Now that we are back home we will be sticking around the So Cal area to ensure we are near our Dr. and Hospital in case the baby decides he wants to come early to enjoy more of the summer with us.

Bill & Tara

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Bartolone" Baby Shower

Sunday May 4th, my mom& sisters threw us a beautiful baby shower, complete with beautiful shower favors made by my sister- in- law Sheila. The only thing missing was my other sister-in-law Brenda& my nieces Sofia& Olivia, who are currently in New Orleans until June.

It was a lovely day, and so much fun. My mom and sisters did a great job at including everyone, and making sure people went home with something!! So many people came to celebrate baby Sibert's (soon to come) arrival to our world. My mom requested that people bring books for Baby's library, and now, he has over 50!! We are so excited about this, we have already begun reading them to him.

There were so many wonderful gifts, I do not know where to begin, from photo sessions a photographer friend of ours gave us, to a onesie that says "Sweetie" in Swedish. Everything was so sweet and thoughtful, and I greatly appreciated all who came.

I felt quite Blessed to have so many people as excited as I am about the birth of our first baby.


Monday, May 5, 2008

My baby weighs what???

Daddy Sibert & I went to our 3rd trimester screening on Friday. As you can see by the latest picture from our 30 week Dr. visit, baby Sibert really looks like a baby!! It was so exciting making out his little face. Seeing he has chub on his cheeks already! Our neighbor Catherine explained to us that the babies always look like the daddy's at first because they need to instantly fall in love with them....well, in looking at these pics, you will see that, yes indeed, he will resemble his papa:)

After seeing his cute face, the doctor announces the baby weighs 4&1/2 lbs. already. As my OB had explained in the weeks prior, he is two weeks ahead of growth schedule. His femur is of course very long...surprise! surprise!? I began doing the math immediately...I have 10 weeks left, he will gain 1/2lb a week for the duration of the pregnancy....meaning I could possibly give birth to a 9&1/2 lb. child....YIKES!!! In chatting with my friend Jen, who delivered an 8&1/2 pounder with NO EPIDURAL(GO JEN!), she has complete faith I will be fine...sorry Jen, I am not convinced:) Well, I just had to share this thought with all of you and let you know how things are going. My mother and sisters and sister in-law threw me a shower on Sunday....more info on that later.....